
God the Peacemaker: How Atonement Brings Shalom is unavailable, but you can change that!

In the midst of a troubled world, Christians believe in a good God who, as the Creator, has never lost interest in His broken creation. The key evidence for, and the chief symbol of, this divine commitment is the cross of Christ. This God, revealed in Scripture, has a project. Central to the divine strategy is Christ, His coming, and His cross. The troubles and calamities will end. The...

I. M. Duguid, ‘The expulsion of Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden is the archetype of all subsequent exile (Gen. 3:24).’23 Genesis 4–11 tells the sorry story of humankind’s decline into evil: Cain slays Abel, Lamech is a man of vengeance, the flood generation is full of wickedness, and Babel shows the overreach of human arrogance. However, even so humanity remains in the divine image (e.g. Gen. 9:6 and Jas 3:9), but, as Scot McKnight suggests, we are now ‘cracked eikons’.24 The Paulines provide
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